Is a gastric balloon made of silicone that works by reducing the amount of food you can eat at each meal. Dr. Ibegbu places it in your stomach so you can learn to eat healthier portion sizes. In most cases, the balloon will remain in your stomach for six months.
Placing the balloon
The entire non-surgical, outpatient procedure takes about 20 minutes.
First, a diagnostic endoscopy is done to ensure that it is safe to perform the procedure. Once you are mildly sedated and comfortable, the procedure can begin.
The deflated gastric balloon is inserted through the esophagus and into your stomach. A syringe is then used to fill the balloon, with a sterile saline solution, to about the size of a grapefruit.

For the next six months the Orbera® balloon is inside your stomach, reducing the amount you can eat, and re-training your brain to better anticipate when your stomach is getting full.
During these first six months, with the stomach balloon and support team working in tandem, patients see the most drastic results – Losing 20 to 50 pounds (sometimes even more).
Why is it dangerous to carry excess weight?
If you’re heavier than you should be, you’re putting yourself at risk of developing other health problems that significantly reduce your quality of life. Some of these complications can even be fatal. Complications of being overweight include a higher risk of:
Certain cancers, including breast cancer
Back pain
Type 2 diabetes
Heart disease
High blood pressure
High cholesterol

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